I took Lauren to her one year check up at the doctor's office today and everything seems good! She's 22 pounds and 29 inches tall. The nurse went through where she ranked compared to other babies but I forget what they were. Woops. Something was 50% and something else was 90%. The important thing is that she's happy and healthy and super cute. :D She's getting really good at pulling herself up to a stand and balancing without falling over! She plays at Parker's train table and drives trains around while making a car sound, and she's also really into Parker's garage toy, and dropping cars down the twirly ramp. She has a bunch of words and is getting pretty good at communicating, although I think only April and I can understand her. So far she says:
dada, kitteh (kitty), puppo (purple hippo), book, truck, thank you, water, some sort of variation of Parker that I can't actually transcribe, nose, toe toes, and I think there are a few more.
She knows where her hair, nose, mouth, tummy, and toes are and she loves playing peek-a-boo and hiding behind things. She's been playing on our bed a lot lately, lying on her back while we flap bed sheets over her. She likes to hide under them and pop out and crawl around with Parker under the blankets. She looooves stuffed animals (more than Parker ever did, but he always liked his stuffed sheep) and scrambles to grab them and bring them with her when you go to lift her out of her crib.
Lauren gives you the most beautiful looks and smiles - she's little and mighty!