Here are a million photos from the last little while that I haven't had a chance to post!
Parker colouring on his place mat at Swiss Chalet while on a road trip.
Lauren drinking some milk and being cute.
Road trippin'.
Lauren watching herself on my phone.
Parker's getting better at printing!
Waiting at the doctor's office to get checked out for an ear infection.
Eating a grilled cheese and some apples at McDonald's.
Climbing the nets at The Playtrium.
Parker took this photo of me at the Playtrium.
Mmmm... Dairy Queen... (Parker DOES eat fruits and vegetables....some times...)
Hanging out at Chapters.
For some reason Lauren wanted to put all of her friends on this chair cushion.
Lauren loves Uncle Shawn! I think.
Watching Kellen play a cool game.
Checking out the Brockville train station.
Parker was really sick over the holidays. He was so feverish that he actually fell asleep in Lita's arms! He hasn't done that with anyone since, oh, forever.
Lauren and her best friend, Lito.
Parker wearing his suit for Grandpa's funeral.
Parker and Mommy getting ready to go.
More of Lauren's friends, gathering on the cushion with her.
Hey, they love each other!
Playing in the fort.
Lauren was also really sick and feverish over the holidays. Here she is resting and watching some Yo Gabba Gabba (her favourite show ever).
Checking out the Kingston train station.
Playing in the bath.
Another day when Parker was really sick and feverish. He NEVER lays down on the couch, ever.
Eating a snack with her friends sitting next to her.
Parker and Lito having a jam session.
Watching some Yo Gabba Gabba.
I took Lauren to get tested for allergies because of that time she broke out in hives after eating strawberries.
They did a few tests (strawberry extract, actual strawberry, and eggs) but they all came back negative! So she's not officially allergic to them but the doctor still recommended we stay away from them until she's 3 or 4. Her bottom right eye tooth also came in (that's why her cheek is so red).
Reading buddies.
Lauren loves wearing Parker's hat for some reason. She thinks it's hilarious.
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