Sunday, June 24, 2007

New Clothes

Today was the first time Parker wore real clothes, which was kind of funny. The pants were a bit too big but the shirt fit perfectly (thanks Kerry!). Right now Parker is hanging out his his swinging chair and he has the hiccups (which he has quite often). He has a doctor's appointment tomorrow where they'll probably weigh him (he's getting so much bigger). The other day at work April emailed me to say that he was smiling at her for the first time, which was really cool. It seemed like a reactionary smile instead of just a random smile, because he did it a few times when she was talking to him. It's fun to see him develop more and more each day. Here are photos of his wardrobe developing.


  1. Each day he seems to break his own record as the Cutest Baby Ever.

  2. Nice! That's what he's going for, so it's good to know he's achieving his goal so far! Now if he can just be the smartest baby ever to go along with the cutest baby ever, we'll be all set.
