Sunday, December 30, 2007

Testing Out His New Teeth

Over the last few weeks, Parker has been busy growing teeth. He now has two little stubs on the bottom that will eventually grow into baby teeth. Here's a video of him and I eating breakfast the other morning. This is the first time I've posted a video so I'm not sure how it will look (or how fast it will load). We used Claire's camera to record an AVI video, so it might not translate very well into this Blogger format...


  1. Were these taken at our house, Garrett? They're so funny. Parker eats so well, don't you think? Like a big boy already! Love these.

  2. Cutest Baby being fed ever!!!!!
    I love the videos : )

  3. Abuelita: Yup, those are in your kitchen on Friday morning, I think!

    Haha, yeah, the videos are funny. It's weird to see Parker in video-format instead of photo-format!
