Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sleepy Time

Parker had a HUGE nap this afternoon! He was sleeping so soundly that we could barely wake him up! Here are some photos of him in his deep sleep, probably dreaming about Dwight Howard's impressive performance in last night's Slam Dunk Contest. It's pretty cute how he has his little bum up in the air.

April tried to wake him up by rubbing his bum a bit but that didn't work.

So I tried to roll him over a bit but that didn't work either.


  1. OMG...he is so cute!!! What did you guys do to him that he had to sleep so much!??!? So, how long was his nap?

  2. haha! that is truly a massive nap. :B

  3. I don't think we did anything out of the ordinary, really! He was just really sleepy!

  4. Funny how he likes to sleep sideways in the crib! How long did he sleep for?? Can't wait to see him again...

  5. I think he slept for about an hour and a half, but it was getting close to his dinner time so we had to wake him up! He definitely would have kept sleeping though.
