Saturday, April 11, 2009

zomg it's springtime!!!111eleven

Hooray!  It's nice again!  After Batman was finished playing Wonderpets on the farm, we got changed, went outside, and enjoyed the nice weather!  

We picked up some sidewalk chalk when we bought the basketball net and car, so here's Parker showing off his Picasso skills on our driveway.  I'd say he's mostly influenced by the short-lived Fauvism movement, with elements of abstract expressionism mixed in.  He likes chalk.

The results of some of our drawing.  I did the happy face; Parker did the laser beams shooting from his eye.

Taking his vehicle for a test down the driveway!  It rides way better on cement than it does on our carpet.  He's also clutching a piece of chalk, in case he needs to do any emergency drawing while on his drive.
We went to the park to play for a bit (where we met a really nice woman from town with her two kids!) but I didn't bring my big camera.  Instead, I brough the point-and-shoot and we have some pretty funny videos that I'll post later.  Instead, here's Parker eating a peanut butter sammich.  Enjoy.
And here he is eating some watermelon all the way from Honduras!  He likes to call it "memon".

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