Saturday, May 1, 2010

Parker's Blog Sells Out!

So there's this option within Blogger to "monetize" your blog, which means you could potentially get paid to show ads on the site. I've never really believed you would actually get paid for it, so I'm trying an experiment. I signed up for Google's Ad Sense program and now Parker's blog will be sprinkled with two (I think) ads -- one in the side bar and one in between posts. I have no idea what the ads will be for (hopefully not adult dating sites) but if it gets too annoying or doesn't actually work (which I think will be the case) I'll just disable everything and it will go back to normal. So for maybe the next month you might have to just look around an ad or two. Sorry!


  1. Update: So far it claims I've made $0.52. Suuuuure I did. Suuuure....

  2. Let me know how this goes. I'll click on ads to boost your revenue.

  3. I'm up to $2! Oodles of independent wealth, here I come!
