Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Parker's Camera Back In Action

It's been a while since I uploaded images from Parker's camera, so here's a new batch!  Some by me, but most by him!
Taking a photo of his foot.  Oooo, artsy.
Me sleeping.
His face.
Mommy and Parker before Lauren was born!
Kellen came for a visit back in August!

Lauren sleeping in her favourite spot.

Gabriel's new (well, not so new any more!) baby brother, Samuel!
Lauren, not ready for her close up.
Showing off his new Brobee underpants, courtesy of Scott, Gemma, Milo, and Target!  Thanks guys!
Parker's favourite game, Candy Land.  He likes to be the yellow guy, and he loves it when he gets an orange square card.
Proudly showing off his orange square card, but it was blown out by the fickle flash.

Daddy and Lauren.


  1. I can see Parker's liking of the camera...perhaps like daddy??? Love the photos - Parker, you look so handsome and your sister looks beautiful!

  2. Candyland was also my favourite game! Awesome. Do they still make it or is that one vintage?

  3. Roisin: They still make it! It's still popular! I think some of the characters have been updated and replaced though.
