Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lauren Is One Year Old!

I'm posting stuff out of order because I have a back log of photos and videos to go through, but today is Lauren's first birthday!  Happy birthday, Lauren!  We had her party on the weekend (of which I have hundreds of photos to post) and we also took Parker to Sesame Street Place a week or so ago (of which I have hundreds of photos and videos to post).  So lots of stuff has been going on and it seems like we're crazy busy!  Here are some photos of Lauren being cute.
Parker and Lauren love to crawl through the table and chair legs.
 You can see Parker waaaay in the background, hanging out.
 Lauren bringing me a Smurf.
 She loves stuffed animals.  This is one of her friends, Kitty, whom she calls Kitteh.  
Parker on the move.  He barely fits! 
 Lauren trying to get one of her other stuffed animal friends.  This little sheep is affectionately known as Baa.
 Lauren's new thing is pulling herself up to a standing position.  

 Checking out the contents of our coffee table and probably annoying Parker by moving his things around.
 Looking for something in the box.
 She also likes to take things out of other things, and then put things back into things.

 BAA!!!  BAA!!!

 This is what she does with her stuffed animals.  She mauls them with huge face-plant hugs.
 She also gives them little kisses and goes, "Maaaa!" to make a kissing sound.
 Hanging out with Kitteh.

 Sleepy time!
Happy birthday!


  1. Abuelita and GrandpaAugust 18, 2011 at 12:27 PM

    Happy birthday, baby girl! I have been thinking about you all day wondering where the time has gone - you were so little not long ago, Lauren, and now, you're a whole year old! What a beautiful little girl you are - we love you so much.

  2. Happy 1st birthday, Lauren!!! We love you so much!

  3. Happy first birthday, you beautiful little girl!
