Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Real Food! Kind of.

Lauren has been increasingly interested in what we're eating, so April gave her some rice cereal last night for the first time.  It's funny how you sort of forget about spoon-feeding a baby even though it has only been a few years!  Here she is eying up the spoon.
 First spoonful ever!
 She liked it so much she ate two little bowls full of rice cereal and she was grabbing April's hand and pulling it to her mouth!
 Today we decided to give her a Mum Mum Cracker, which is just a little rice biscuit that dissolves when they put it in their mouth.

 I don't think she liked this quite as much as the rice cereal.  Maybe the texture freaked her out a bit.


  1. I cannot believe that Lauren is already old enough for cereal! I had to laugh at her grabbing onto April's hand for more cereal...LOL! Also, I just noticed that she has the "Parker wrist rolls!!!" ... too cute!

  2. Old enough for solids already? My, how quickly time is passing. Enjoy getting her to try all sorts of new things using the food mill!

  3. You're right, time passes way too fast. Can't believe she's on solids already. Love the wrists too. Yeah cereal!
