Lately we've been trying to give Parker a lot more freedom when he's in the house or when we're out doing stuff. He's finally getting up by himself in the morning, which is funny and kind of scary at the same time. Sometimes we'll wake up and hear his little feet running around downstairs. And sometimes he'll come into our room and wake us up with the ominous message, "Hey Daddy, come down stairs. I have a surprise to show you...." He's getting really good at doing things by himself, though, which is great to see! He'll need to be super independent when he goes to school in September so I'm glad he has more confidence than he used to.
Here are some photos of Parker and Lauren goofing around!
Check out the mosquito bites on Parker's leg! He reacts like me and they get all swollen and gross-looking.
Did you try Benadryl for kids on his bites? I hear it works really well. I know how independent Parker is getting - he dialed us the other day and April didn't even know he was calling us! I love it!