Monday, October 31, 2011

Class Photo

Here's Parker's class photo! He looks thrilled.


  1. OMG, that's such a great class picture. So much better than Gabriel's which has the kid with his head in his shirt! LOL

    How did his individual school picture turn out? How did our kids get old enough to be in school?

  2. Ahhh, his first school photo! I agree - he doesn't look too thrilled - he is so used to getting his picture taken that this was just another day!

  3. Kristyne: The individual photo is pretty good! It's cute. They made him rest his arms in front of him, like he's looking out a window or something! It's funny.

    Claire: He seemed excited at the idea of photo day when we told him about it! Ah well. His individual photo is smiley so that's good.
