Sunday, March 6, 2011

Visit To Dresden For Connor's Birthday

Here are some photos from our visit to Dresden for Connor's birthday!
 Papa feeding Lauren.
 Parker modeling a new Nana hat!
 Lauren modeling a head band!
 Nana and Lauren hanging out and having fun!

 Mason's awesome Grover hat!  Best hat ever.
 Connor and Mason have an awesome Thomas train table!
 And an awesome drum set!  I'm pretty convinced that Parker will have the ability to play drums if he wants to, so when he gets older I'm going to try to teach him.  And he's a lefty, which will make it fun for me to try to play left-handed.

 Me rocking out, Dave Grohl style.
 Pouring some drinks at the diner.

 Examining a crazy power tool toy.
 Mommy and Lauren being cute together! 
 Lauren staring at Aunt Tracy!  That's some goooooood starin'.
 Lauren and cousin Brenna!  Lauren is still working on her Brenna haircut.
 Mmmm, lunch!
 Parker making a goofy face for the camera.

 Bring food to my mouth!
 Hi Parker!
 Nana, Lauren, and Papa!

 Parker using one of our old toys to watch a movie about Mickey Mouse and a haunted house.
 Rare photo of me and baby Lauren!

1 comment:

  1. Love all the photos - great moments with Nana and Papa, cousins, aunts, etc.
